Steal contactless Credit Debit ATM Card Data with Android. Hack Proof? RFID/NFC safety travel tip!

October 14, 2019

Steal contactless Credit Debit ATM Card Data with Android. Hack Proof? RFID/NFC safety travel tip!. How To Hack Pou With Gamecih + link download

Steal contactless Credit Debit ATM Card Data with Android. Hack Proof? RFID/NFC safety travel tip! video duration 7 Minute(s) 22 Second(s), published by Frakking Creations on 24 09 2016 - 17:31:10.

Are contactless RFID/NFC Credit cards safe? Maybe not
Your tap credit and debit cards can be read by a simple Android app simply by standing next to you Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to sub like comment! :D Here's the link for lucky patcher to download it!!! :

Now you can hack Android using Black Arch linux Now you can hack Linux using Black Arch linux Link of LuckyPatcher: very easy u must use frist version of Pou this my link

Are contactless RFID/NFC Credit cards safe? Maybe not. Your tap credit and debit cards can be read by a simple Android app simply by standing next to you. So, is your own wallet/purse/money clip being hacked through a backdoor without your knowledge? Be careful when you are out and about or are traveling abroad. With better and dedicated equipment criminals may be able to read your credit cards from farther away so protect yourself when travelling anywhere, especially in foreign countries!

I will show with my own contactless RFID/NFC (Near Field Communication) credit cards how card skimming/reading could be done with my personal Android phone and show you one solution to help you protect yourself and your identity.

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Please like, comment & share with friends and family so we all stay informed and protect each other.

Secure your Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Interact, ATM and other contactless/NFC/RFID/PayWave/PayPass cards with Bastion Carbon Fiber RFID Blocking wallets NOW!

Large corporations are being hacked and breached on a daily basis. Equifax, Yahoo, Sony, Home Depot, EBay, Target, Walmart, Ashley Madison, CRA, Financial Institutions (Banks like BMO and CIBC), the government to name a few you may know already or have heard in the news. And those are some of the known ones. not to mention all the ones not uncovered yet! This information could be used for identity theft and more. Any personal or private information should be kept safe and not available for any criminal to capture and store for use in the future and this includes data that is stored on your contactless credit/debit cards.

VaultCard is no longer recommended as I found that it does not work as well as it seems. Sometimes when not positioned properly between the phone and the credit card the app was able to read the information on the card.

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The 3rd party app (this is not my app) used to read my credit/debit/ATM cards:
Credit Card Reader - looks like this app is not longer available. there is the pro version, which is not free though:

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Other Video about Steal contactless Credit Debit ATM Card Data with Android. Hack Proof? RFID/NFC safety travel tip!:

How to Hack Godfire:Rise of Prometheus *With LuckyPatcher Link To Download*

How to Hack Godfire:Rise of Prometheus *With LuckyPatcher Link To Download*

Link of LuckyPatcher:

How To Hack Pou With Gamecih + link download

How To Hack Pou With Gamecih + link download

very easy u must use frist version of Pou this my link

How to hack in game purchases with lucky patcher! (Download link in the description)

How to hack in game purchases with lucky patcher! (Download link in the description)

Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to sub like comment! :D Here's the link for lucky patcher to download it!!! :

Exploit : Hack Some Android Phones with just 1 link [Stagefright]

Exploit : Hack Some Android Phones with just 1 link [Stagefright]

Now you can hack Android using Black Arch linux Now you can hack Linux using Black Arch linux .

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