How To Get Android Auto & Apple CarPlay In Your ND MX-5 Miata. How to HACK Navigation/Multimedia systems KIA/HYUNDAI and install third-party applications
How To Get Android Auto & Apple CarPlay In Your ND MX-5 Miata video duration 34 Minute(s) 34 Second(s), published by 888 WERKES on 20 04 2019 - 18:48:26.
Here's a full guide on how to update your Miata firmware and install the new USB hub so you can get Android Auto & Apple CarPlay in your 2016+ ND Miata New Look Android Auto redesign update
This video shows the new update in action on the Honda Accord 2018-2019
Must enable manually through settings .
Download: Guida di aggiornamento al video pubblicato il 7 febbraio scorso
Me lo avete chiesto in tanti nei commenti su youtube, sulla pagina facebook, per email, e anche Sorry for my English!!!!!!! Caution: USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! YouTube, your favorite navigation app, video player, online radio, online TV etc
now works .
Here's a full guide on how to update your Miata firmware and install the new USB hub so you can get Android Auto & Apple CarPlay in your 2016+ ND Miata. This is for the North American model - USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, also known as 'NA N' on your Touch-screen.
If your firmware is 29.00.000 or older you must at least update to “31.00.100A” before updating to any newer firmware! Follow the process shown in this video but use the 31.00.100A firmware files instead of the 70.00.100A files.
Firmware 31.00.100A:
Links to what you need:
USB Retro Fit Kit:
EDIT: NEW FIRMWARE RELEASE! If you have the 70.00.100A firmware and have echo problems with phone calls a new firmware has been released for North America as a fix. If your version is 31.00.100A and above you can go straight to this new firmware (Skipping 70.00.100A). This is a single file unlike the two files shown in this video. The new firmware is \
Other Video about How To Get Android Auto & Apple CarPlay In Your ND MX-5 Miata:

TUTORIAL - AA Mirror e CarStream funzionante su Android Auto 4.3.591854
Guida di aggiornamento al video pubblicato il 7 febbraio scorsoMe lo avete chiesto in tanti nei commenti su youtube, sulla pagina facebook, per email, e anche .

How to HACK Navigation/Multimedia systems KIA/HYUNDAI and install third-party applications
Sorry for my English!!!!!!! Caution: USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! YouTube, your favorite navigation app, video player, online radio, online TV etcnow works .

New Look Android Auto Update on Honda Accord 2018-2019
New Look Android Auto redesign updateThis video shows the new update in action on the Honda Accord 2018-2019
Must enable manually through settings .

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