Apple Carplay & Android Auto Dongle Review

May 23, 2019

Apple Carplay & Android Auto Dongle Review. How To Downgrade Google Play Services And Auto Update Fix Working Method! Android 8.0 $ 8.1

Apple Carplay & Android Auto Dongle Review video duration 8 Minute(s) 35 Second(s), published by Raymond Urias on 15 09 2018 - 13:49:07.

Obviously all audio works perfectly and all functions work
Must be able to install app on radio for it to work! Download the App for radio here: Guida passo per passo, per riuscire a vedere lo schermo del proprio smartphone sul display della macchina utilizzando Android Auto e l'app AA mirror con AA .

Can be added at your local dealer for $199 plus labor
I sure hope labor doesn't cost more than the system itself Guida passo per passo, per sbloccare e patchare le app CarStream e AAmirror su andorid auto con l'app AA Phenotype Patcher 0.7
Tornerete a vedere sia PokemonGoSpoofing #DowngradeGooglePlayservices #newwaytospoof This video is about How to downgrade google play services and how to stop it from .

Obviously all audio works perfectly and all functions work.

Must be able to install app on radio for it to work!
Download the App for radio here:

buy dongle here:

CKM YouTube channel:

Keep it simple and relax, Take your time. I'm not responsible if you screw up and damage your car in anyway shape or form. TAKE YOUR TIME.


Due to factors beyond the control of Raymond Urias, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. Raymond Urias assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Raymond Urias recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Raymond Urias, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Raymond Urias.

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TUTORIAL - Sbloccare AAMirror e CarStream su Android Auto con Phenotype Patcher [ 18 dicembre 2018 ]

Guida passo per passo, per sbloccare e patchare le app CarStream e AAmirror su andorid auto con l'app AA Phenotype Patcher 0.7
Tornerete a vedere sia .

How To Downgrade Google Play Services And Auto Update Fix Working Method! Android 8.0 $ 8.1

How To Downgrade Google Play Services And Auto Update Fix Working Method! Android 8.0 $ 8.1

PokemonGoSpoofing #DowngradeGooglePlayservices #newwaytospoof This video is about How to downgrade google play services and how to stop it from .

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TUTORIAL - Come fare il mirror screeen dello smartphone su Android Auto con AA mirror

Guida passo per passo, per riuscire a vedere lo schermo del proprio smartphone sul display della macchina utilizzando Android Auto e l'app AA mirror con AA .

Mazda Retrofitting 2014+ Models With Android Auto and Apple CarPlay

Mazda Retrofitting 2014+ Models With Android Auto and Apple CarPlay

Can be added at your local dealer for $199 plus labor
I sure hope labor doesn't cost more than the system itself.

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