android 17 dokkan dokkanbattle fandom wiki Android 17 disambiguation NOTE This article is a disambiguation page for Android 17 disambiguation The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a android 17 dokkan dokkanbattle fandom wiki Last Ditch Battle Android 17Last Ditch Battle Android 17 Max Lv SA Lv Rarity Type Cost 120 1 10 58 31 Jul 2018 4 Oct 2018 yes Androids Category Ki 3 HP ATK 170 and DEF 130 or
17 Jinz ningen J Nana G lit Artificial Human No 17 Lapis Rapisu when he was an ordinary human is the twin brother of Android 18 and Dr Gero s seventeenth android creation designed to serve Gero s vendetta against Goku Despite his interests not initially deviating from this expectation Android 17 takes it upon himself to kill Dr Gero who is uncooperative with Android 18 s curiosity in activating Android 16 and deemed inferior by See more on dragonball fandom Text under CC BY SA license android 17 dokkan hope u guys enjoyed the new dragon ball z dokkan battle video we faught the new beast phy android 17 and im hopin to get him stay tuned for the next android 17 last ditch battleFind all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information More at DBZ Space
to view on Bing10 0130 7 2018 Dokkan Battle OST AWAKEN TEQ FULL POWER SSJ4 GOKU EVENT Dokkan Theme EXTENDED Duration 12 27 EDO 167 951 viewsAuthor MaiViews 189K android 17 dokkan android 17 last ditch battleFind all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information More at DBZ Space all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information More at DBZ Space
android 17 dokkan Gallery
54828 v1475630361 dragon ball z dokkan battle characters androids 17 and 18 exquisite cooperation character card pre z awaken, image source:
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Android 2, image source:
36056 o07501334main656, image source:
Legendz3 copy, image source:
latest?cb=20170224201043, image source:
latest?cb=20130821203040, image source:
Hatchiyak Dokkan Battle, image source:
ceaea93d643171d19b218518a31676bb, image source:
23 dragon ball z dokkan battle, image source:
yg1n8dyqmvo01, image source:
Legendz1, image source:
mortal kombat x 15688 8, image source:
iew0vo70red11, image source:
4834a8be7ee1148b05c2d301994f83c10c77bc4b_hq, image source:
1155586 untitled_1, image source:
2209426 super_baby_vegeta, image source:
0 Comment 18 Images Android 17 Dokkan